Saturday, November 2, 2013

Mud smells and camera memory cards....

5th May 2013 - Glasshouse Mountains

Another day, another adventure with the two little boys with their two little toys.
More maps, dead ends and 15yo's laughing their heads off.

Morning tea..

This time they found REAL mud.....

OMG, all their Christmas's had come at once. The trucks were going to get dirty!

At this point, I need to remind you (the reader) that THE BOYS were driving their toys. Now, Im not suggesting that the girls wouldn't have enjoyed the next section of the adventure, but they may have handled things differently.

If you look carefully at this photo, you will see mud and water on one side and firm soil on the other side. Ben took the firmer, hard side......but Scott chose to go his own way...

At this point, anyone who knows Kerri will have some idea of the "special" words she called Scott. But nothing was going to wipe the smile off his face after this spectacular mud hole!

Speed is a good thing, when driving through mud holes, so they say, because that way the mud doesn't get a chance to stick.

But wait! There's more!!

Yet another mud hole was found. But this time Scotty got stuck. Luckily Ben had all the right recovery gear and managed to get him out. Unfortunately, the video footage was lost but I still managed to get some photos.

Kerri was over joyed....

I interviewed Kerri for her comments on the events of the day but unfortunately this cant be shown on this blog until I work out how to beep out certain words....

So to recap, the two little boys with their two little toys found more dirt roads and mud bogs. They got to test out Ben's winch and demonstrate to their progeny how to traverse through "sticky" situations.

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