Saturday, November 9, 2013

What would Jesus do…?

Car adornments - Part 1

While I won't go into the history behind the first Adornment, I can say that Spouse No. 2 proudly presented Spouse No.1 with a very special gift…..

This very thoughtful gift will travel to Cape York, in the silver toy. He will have a great view of the whole trip and will become a valued member of the family.

It's important that new additions to the family get to spend quality time with existing, long term residents. 

Jesus, this is The Witch. Witch, this is Jesus.

Now play nice…..

Ok, so they didn't like each other initially, but I'm sure things will get better…

Obviously, Spouse No.1 is now on the look out for an appropriate gift for Spouse No.2…...

Every little boy dreams of another two inches….

November 3 and 9, 2013

Modifications to the two little toys

Earlier in this blog, I mentioned that the two little boys, who had two little toys, went to the National 4x4 Show …..

"They also managed to collect brochures from EVERY stall and spent the next two weeks sorting the literature into two piles: Must Haves and Really Wants."

One of the items on the "Must Haves" list was a 2" Lift Kit.  Now I must confess, I have no bloody idea what this is exactly.  When I enquired, I was rewarded with looks of horror, stuttering and then a garbled explanation that resembled something from one of the 15yo's.  I was then assured that it was budgeted for, didn't cost too much and that "we really need one for Cape York".  I'm starting to think that all modifications to the two little toys will be justified by "we really need it for Cape York".

So, on Sunday 3rd November, the two little boys set about installing their additional two inches.  And this is what two inches looks like…..

Now, to obtain an additional 2', you need other things - a new trolley jack, axel stands and a ball joint removal tool.  Aren't we lucky that Super Cheap is just around the corner and open on Sundays?

So the two little boys, with their two little toys and their brand new tools set to work adding two inches.

Car 1 was completed in just under 7 hours - poor little boy 2 went home without his extra 2" and had to wait until Saturday 9th November to achieve true satisfaction.

Now the two little boys, with two little toys have an additional 2", and they are happy.

We won't talk about what happened to the old bits but I can assure you, they are no longer being stored in Greenslopes!

Post Script:

The two little boys were very muscle sore after achieving an additional 2"…….

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Tits and sand

12th October, 2013

Dirty Down Under 4x4 Pink Run to Rainbow Beach

So the next challenge for the two little boys with their two little toys is SAND.....

And what better cause than raising money for Breast Cancer research.

So more planning, tide charts, very early morning, no bloody coffee (do I sound bitter?) but we make it to the Tewantin ferry soon after 7.00am (well before the other 300 predicted Pink Run cars).  Smell the salt, sea and adrenal gland excretions (adrenalin for those who think I am being rude). 

Beach/sand driving means that air must be released from the tires....

But while the two little boys were doing this to their two little toys, it became evident that their cars were severely under dressed...

Our new friends supplied a spare pink liquid chalk marker so the two little boys felt included...

Unfortunately, there is no photographic evidence of what the taller 15yo wrote on his window but I can tell you it started with T and ended in S and was only 4 letters long!

Selfies are very popular with many members of Parliament,  so the spouses of the two little boys, who have two little toys, decided to give this phenomenon a try with the help of the 15yo's...

Then onto the ferry. The ferry ride was fun....look at that smile!

Before we knew it, we had hit sand!

Does this boy in his toy look happy or what?

Another happy boy in his toy...

Many interesting things are often seen at the beach....

The rare Thong Tree was a lucky find…

But in the end, the excitement was too much and a stop for  morning tea was requested by the Spouses.

The stop meant the 15yo's could stretch their legs and get into some mischief. Whats the point of carrying recovery gear if you don't need them? Unfortunately, their plots were foiled and the two boys with their two toys managed to drive away unscathed!

The stop did give all the kids a chance to stretch their legs….

and test their strength……

and brag a little about their height.

The two little boys with two little toys are blessed to have some wonderful women in their lives..

who are growing up way too fast!

More sand, more dead mutton birds and more laughs got the two little boys with their two little toys to beautiful Inskip Point. This popular end of the beach had many campers and fishermen minding their own business until one of the two little boys got his little toy stuck in the soft sad. Shear will got the little boy out of the sand while the other little boy hightailed out of there! Thanks for the support, mate!

Unfortunately, the two little boys were having too much fun and the tide changed. This meant they couldn't drive around the headland on the beach and had to go inland.  A stuck Touraeg, a jeep and a land rover provided some entertainment for half an hour and one of the little boys got to test his Maxx Traxx. 

Tires were again inflated during a wee stop before they landed in Rainbow Beach.

$10 got the toys washed to remove the sand….

Flat whites, chips and aioli finished off a fantastic day.

It felt so good to laugh and watch the rest of the group enjoy the day. Cant wait to do it all again!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Mud smells and camera memory cards....

5th May 2013 - Glasshouse Mountains

Another day, another adventure with the two little boys with their two little toys.
More maps, dead ends and 15yo's laughing their heads off.

Morning tea..

This time they found REAL mud.....

OMG, all their Christmas's had come at once. The trucks were going to get dirty!

At this point, I need to remind you (the reader) that THE BOYS were driving their toys. Now, Im not suggesting that the girls wouldn't have enjoyed the next section of the adventure, but they may have handled things differently.

If you look carefully at this photo, you will see mud and water on one side and firm soil on the other side. Ben took the firmer, hard side......but Scott chose to go his own way...

At this point, anyone who knows Kerri will have some idea of the "special" words she called Scott. But nothing was going to wipe the smile off his face after this spectacular mud hole!

Speed is a good thing, when driving through mud holes, so they say, because that way the mud doesn't get a chance to stick.

But wait! There's more!!

Yet another mud hole was found. But this time Scotty got stuck. Luckily Ben had all the right recovery gear and managed to get him out. Unfortunately, the video footage was lost but I still managed to get some photos.

Kerri was over joyed....

I interviewed Kerri for her comments on the events of the day but unfortunately this cant be shown on this blog until I work out how to beep out certain words....

So to recap, the two little boys with their two little toys found more dirt roads and mud bogs. They got to test out Ben's winch and demonstrate to their progeny how to traverse through "sticky" situations.

The Boys and their toys go looking for mud...

So the story continues of the Two Little Boys, with their two little toys....

April the 6th, 2013 - Mt Mee

The weather had been reasonably fine, though some rain had fallen on the coast, so the boys decide to take the trucks into the Mt Mee forest to explore. 

The day started well, with flat whites from Merlo and a clear run on the highway. The Patrol tires were singing!

Mt Mee is part of the D'Aguilar National Park and only 15 minutes from Dayboro.  D'Aguilar National Park is divided into two sections, north and south.  The majority of the northern part is 4WD access only.  Mt Mee is a beautiful mountain located in the northern section of the national park and the northern section of D'Aguilar is often called Mt Mee.  

There is nothing like the smell and sound of a forest.....

However, this did not put the boys off.  Of course, this trip was well planned - maps had been surveyed and the Hema was turned on, but someone forgot to tell Hema that many of the tracks were dead ends or traversed through private property.  Onward and upward!

As Ben had the Hema, he was the lead vehicle. So it was Ben who first found the water holes. You should have heard the two little boys with two little toys.....oh the excitement!

So, Ben went through first, followed by Scott....

Now this track was blocked by fallen debris, so we had to turn around and go back through the water hole....

How big were the smiles on the two little boys with their two little toys......?

The spouses were rewarded with lunch and coffee at Dayboro....

And the two little boys got their two little toys dirty...